P. 5


                                         Message From

                                        The President
                        of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
                     Her Excellency Christine Carla Kangaloo O.R.T.T.

                     Athletes, officials, support staff and well-wishers,   Kirani James of Grenada, Caster Semenya of South
                     Trinidad and Tobago welcomes you with open arms to    Africa and Jessica Ennis-Hill of Great Britain have gone
                     the 7th edition of the Commonwealth Youth Games.      on to medal at the Olympic Games, the marquee event
                     The entire country has waited with excitement for the   of world sport, and in other premier events. I have high
                     staging of these historic Games which will see        hopes that Trinbago 2023 will prove a catalyst for the
                     1000-plus athletes and para-athletes from across the   growth and development of today’s youth athletes into
                     Commonwealth compete in seven sports over six         the elite athletes of the future.
                     days. This country could not be more thrilled to host
                     the Youth Games for the very first time, especially    Our youth athletes have worked hard to prepare for
                     since it includes for the first time in the Games’s    these Games, juggling training with schoolwork and
                     history the fully integrated para-athletics programme.  making tremendous sacrifices. Although they have faced
                                                                           many disappointments and setbacks along the way,
                     The theme of this year’s competition is, ‘Changing    including the disruption and dislocation of the Covid-19
                     Lives for the Better’. This theme underscores the     pandemic, they persevered and were eventually selected
                     positive impact that sport can have on youth          to represent their countries at these Games. I am
                     development and how sport can bring people            confident that this group of athletes will continue to hone
                     together. Sport, as we all know, plays a key role in   and perfect their sporting abilities and make their national
                     youth development, promoting mental, emotional and    communities and the entire Commonwealth exceedingly
                     physical wellbeing and building teamwork, respect     proud.
                     and solidarity— attributes which, according to the
                     United Nations, are critical to building peaceful and   I wish to commend, applaud and offer my gratitude to
                     cohesive societies.                                   the organisers, volunteers and other personnel who
                                                                           worked tirelessly to make Trinbago 2023 a reality. Their
                     It is therefore truly a privilege to provide a platform for   hard work has led to this point.
                     promising young athletes to sharpen their skills, gain
                     invaluable experience and build the confidence they    I know that all athletes will do their very best as they
                     need to perform at the senior level. This is the first   participate in the respective categories. They will be
                     opportunity that many of the athletes are experiencing   cheered on by their supporters and the Commonwealth
                     of being in a team environment with multi sports and   family of nations. While everyone is competing, let’s
                     in meeting different athletes from around the world; all   ensure that there is also joy in participating at these
                     of this leads to the personal and further development   Games. I wish all athletes every success at the 7th
                     of the athlete and ultimately the development of youth  Commonwealth Youth Games.
                     sport. Former Commonwealth Youth athletes such as
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