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                   the language of sport is universal; extending across   the COVID-19 pandemic which forced the
                   borders, languages, races, religions and ideologies; it   postponement of these Games, are raring with
                   possesses the capacity to unite people by fostering    excitement, eager to  execute, and willing to put all on
                   dialogue,  promoting acceptance and building           the line in search of glory for themselves, their families,
                   relationships that can last a lifetime. Such is the power of   and their countries. We therefore look forward to the
                   Sport.                                                 exhilarating performances that will undoubtedly
                                                                          characterize Trinbago 2023.
                   Our Policy recognizes the transformative power of sport
                   in the development of individuals, communities, and the   As we witness the incredible displays of talent,
                   nation as a whole. By hosting the Seventh              perseverance resilience and grit,  let us also remember
                   Commonwealth Youth Games, we are not only providing    the significance of our youth across our many nations.
                   a platform for young athletes to showcase their talents,   They are the embodiment of the strength, potential,
                   but also creating an environment that encourages their   and determination that exist among our people. They
                   holistic development and promotes the ideals of fair play   will render testimony to the ideals of peaceful civil and
                   and sportsmanship.                                     social existence, for the edification of a world so often
                                                                          short on mutual respect, tolerance and peace.
                   Trinbago 2023 then, is more than just a sporting       Together, let us celebrate the aspirations and
                   event; it is a celebration of unity, friendship, and the   achievements of our youth,  and let us use their
                   unwavering spirit of our youth. Through the power of   stories as inspiration to craft the Modern
                   sport, we can transcend borders, break down            Commonwealth and create a brighter future for all.
                   barriers, and inspire positive change in our
                   communities. These games will serve as a catalyst for   In closing, I extend my sincerest gratitude to everyone
                   fostering new friendships, cultural exchanges, and     who contributed to making Trinbago 2023 a reality. To
                   lifelong memories that will shape the lives of our     the athletes, officials, volunteers, sponsors,
                   young athletes for years to come. We have no doubt     supporters, and all other key stakeholders, I urge you
                   that participation in these Games will accustom our    to embrace the spirit of these games and make lasting
                   young  athletes to live and welcome differences,       connections that will transcend borders, cultures and
                   turning them into precious opportunities for mutual    time.
                   enrichment and discovery, and more so, opportunities
                   to recognize each other as brothers and sisters on the   Together, let us seize this opportunity to change lives
                   same journey.                                          for the better and create a lasting legacy of
                   Today, we are filled with anticipation for these Games
                   which have been long in coming. I know many of our
                   young athletes who had their training interrupted by   Welcome to Trinbago 2023!
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