SANTO DOMINGO.- The Central American and Caribbean Sports Organization (CACSO) approved, in the Extraordinary General Assembly, to change its name to CENTRO CARIBE SPORTS and to launch a new logo, within a strategy of renewal of the entity.

The president of the organization, Luis Mejía Oviedo (DOM), proclaimed to all member countries that "a new stage for Central American and Caribbean sports has begun."

The modification of CACSOS' identity to CENTRO CARIBE SPORTS eliminated the organization from having two names, one in English and the other in Spanish, and changed to a name that is understandable in any language.

It also brings with it a multicolored logo, which maintains the colors of all the flags of the countries and associated members that make up the body, based on the same theme as the Olympic rings, representing the integration of all in CENTRO CARIBE SPORTS.

The presentation of the new identity of the organization was made by Felipe Vicini (DOM) and Manuel Luna (DOM), president and member of the Marketing and Communications Commission of CENTRO CARIBE SPORTS, respectively.

“Since I decided to assume the presidency of this organization I have continued to assure everyone that my number one objective was the integration and union of all the members and the renewal of our organization towards a modern and avant-garde entity; today you are making history by approving this brand change to be able to re-launch Centro Caribe Sports ”, Mejia said after the initiative was approved.

The identity change was approved this Saturday, September 19, with the 37 countries and associate members present, during the Extraordinary General Assembly, through the ZOOM platform.

With the approval of this change, the Marketing and Communications Commission informed that it will begin to deploy the marketing strategy to bring Centro Caribe Sports closer to member countries, athletes and business brands in the region.



Communications from the Central American and Caribbean Sports Organization (CACSO)

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Confronted by the numerous ills facing international sports, a Task Force chaired by T&T Olympic Committee (TTOC) president Brian Lewis was established by the Sports Integrity Global Alliance (SIGA) and earlier this week, the group revealed its recommendations to combat the raging issues.

This followed a week-long online "Sports Integrity seminar hosted by SIGA, where open and honest conversations were held among some of the notable people in sports. The intense event closed on Friday and the council unanimously approved the set of recommendations on race, gender, diversity and inclusion in sport.

The recommendations of the Task Force composed of sports executives, thought leaders and athletes from different backgrounds and varying parts of the world, were broken down into four main areas: 1 Research and Evidence Base; 2 Amendments to 3.3 of the SIGA Universal Standards on Good Governance; 3 Development of a Toolkit for Sports Organisations to facilitate the implementation of recommendations in this area; and 4 Identification and Engagement of Commercial Partners and Funding Mechanism.

"The work of the task force and the recommendations are a start point," said Lewis on Wednesday. "Race and gender relations in sport are a microcosm of society. It is a thorny issue with deep-seated complexities."

According to the SIGA council, the amendments, that are to be incorporated into this year's edition of the SIGA Universal Standards, include the bold step of setting a new “Gold Standard” for sports organisations to achieve targets for gender and race diversity in the board room, on an incremental basis, for example, a gradual percentage, year one, 25 per cent, year two, 35 per cent, year three, 50 per cent.

Other proposals also included specifically referencing disability in its "Universal Standards", as well as also making it a “Gold Standard” for all employees at sports organisations to receive unconscious bias training to install a culture of diversity and inclusion throughout the governance structure of a sports organisation.

Lewis said:"I believe that a collaborative approach is important. SIGA commitment is resolute. The reality of discrimination be it race and gender and all forms of discrimination is undeniable.

"Cultural and religious values contribute both as a plus and minus in certain countries. People try to characterise it as political or sport but it's about human rights."

For these guidelines to yield positive results, Lewis is adamant that it requires a commitment from all parties, honestly declaring: "It's not going to be easy."

According to Lewis, SIGA has to work alongside the respective international federations; look at constitutions, policies etc and where there are gaps highlight them and work together in creating change.

"We have to continue pressing for cultural change and reform," said the head of the Caribbean Association National Olympic Committee (CANOC).

The focus of the Task Force was on international sport with the aim of it having a trickle-down effect from international federations, which control National Federations and Continental Federations, down to clubs and individuals.

By no means the Task Force entered this venture blindly and in its research found that there is a need for an increase of visible data on Black Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) participation and leadership in international federations.

Also in its findings, SIGA survey or research project that focused on the issue of racism and racial discrimination and inequalities across international federations, identified that race is currently not a criteria under Association of Summer Olympic International Federations (ASOIF) self-assessment although gender is addressed.

To eliminate the pitfalls within in sports, SIGA has committed to continue to raise awareness and be a unifying universal voice on these issues.

"It will take persistence and perseverance. SIGA has to stay the course," said Lewis.

The Task Force recommended which level some of the amendments to the SIGA Universal Standards as set out below:


Sports organisation to have a mechanism in place for staff and other relevant personnel (including members and volunteers) to provide anonymous feedback, such as an annual survey, thereby facilitating inclusion and allowing all voices to be heard.


Sports organisation to have a quality management process in place whereby their diversity and inclusion policies and practices are regularly reviewed to make sure they are current, appropriate and in line with any new legislation.

Sports organisation to have a robust system in place for handling and dealing with all discrimination complaints. There needs to be an investigation followed up by appropriate action if necessary.


Sports organisations to put all their employees through EDI/unconscious bias training so that a culture of diversity and inclusion is filtered down through the organisation from the top to bottom.

Sports organisation to procure recruitment firm with specialised in diversity and inclusion.

Each organisation shall:

a) Adopt a target of, and take all appropriate actions to encourage, a minimum of 30 per cent of each gender on its Board

b) Demonstrate a strong and public commitment to progressing towards achieving gender parity and greater diversity generally on its Board, including, but not limited to, Black, Asian, minority ethnic (BAME) diversity, and disability.


BRIAN Lewis, president of the TTOC (TT Olympic Committee) and CANOC (Caribbean Association of National Olympic Committee), has bemoaned the measures used by global sporting leaders to combat racism and discrimination in sport.

Lewis was speaking on Monday during a web media conference on the SIGA (Sport Integrity Global Alliance) recommendations on race, gender, diversity and inclusion in sport, by a task force which he chaired.

“Racism remains the most common form of discrimination,” said Lewis. “We cannot avoid the reality that discrimination, whether it is on the basis of gender, ethnicity, the colour of your skin and age, is very much alive. Many of us in decision-making positions know the truth, see the truth but choose to deny the truth.”

Lewis, who is also a member of the SIGA Council, was speaking on the first day of SIGA’s Sport Integrity Week.

He said one thing that preoccupied him "as we worked in the task force with tremendous intensity, and support from a number of people, was this central question – can the world’s sports leaders be trusted?"

That’s a very important consideration, he said, because the world of international sports remains "very much Eurocentric" and one of older males, Lewis continued: “Individuals who are as committed, as passionate and as well-intentioned as they are, but who have never experienced racism or discrimination on the basis of gender or any other form of perceived differences that framed us versus them.”

Referring to incidents of racism and discrimination, Lewis noted, “We look at the world of sport and we see from time to time unsatisfactory pictures: whether it is monkey chants, bananas being pelted, the unequal treatment and representation of gender in the media, the reality is before us.

“The world of sport and the values, which are supposed to foster unity, equality (and) solidarity – we are living in a fools’ paradise. Sport is an aspect of society, and what bedevils society would bedevil sport.”


Brian Lewis, president of the T&T Olympic Committee, delivered a powerful and stinging address on day one of the first-ever Sports Integrity Week (SIW) being hosted online by the Sports Integrity Global Alliance (SIGA), the world’s largest independent integrity organisation.

on Monday, the Chair of SIGA Task Force of Race, Gender, Diversity and Inclusion spoke openly on these four topics and was pointed and passionate in his comments.

"In the world of international sport, sports leaders know the truth, see the truth but still believe the lies and deny the reality of racism, sexism," said Lewis, who is also the president of the Caribbean Association of National Olympic Committees (CANOC).

"The principles of equality and non-discrimination are at the heart of human rights. Discrimination persists against religion, ethnic minorities, persons of African descent, older persons, women and persons with disabilities."

According to Lewis, racism remains the most common form of discrimination, citing an observation by 'Kick It Out' (football's equality and inclusion organisation) that it has risen and is worse now than it was five years ago.

Kick It Out was established as a campaign with the brand name 'Let's Kick Racism Out of Football' in 1993 and as an organisation in 1997. The organisation works within the football, educational and community sectors to challenge discrimination, encourage inclusive practices and work for positive change.

"International sport is run by white, male decision-makers who have never been racially abused. They have no idea what being racially abused feels like. Or what being discriminated feels like, it doesn't affect them," simply said Lewis, who posed the question. "Can we trust world sports leaders who talk the talk?

"They say the politically right things when they are in public but behind the scenes, the actions they take don't reflect the principles of equality and non-discrimination

"Can we trust world sports leaders and decision-makers to walk, the talk?"

When the Task Force which Lewis heads was established in July, the members posed these tough questions to better be able to forge meaningful reform and promote the highest standards on race, gender, diversity and inclusion.

"The recommendations of the SIGA Task Force provide a framework and yardstick to monitor and evaluate to hold the mirror up," said Lewis. "Every member of the Taskforce had to themselves look into the mirror and do some deep soul searching as we all carry unconscious bias and prejudice of some sort or the other.

"Our vision must be aspirational to hearts and minds."

The Task Force includes Affy Sheikh, Head of Starlizard Integrity Services and SIGA Member; Angela Melo, SIGA Council Member; Densign White, CEO of International Mixed Martial Arts (IMMAF) and Member of the SIGA Council; Paul Elliot, Member of The FA Inclusion Advisory Board, former professional football play; Ju’Riese Colon, Chief Executive Officer, U.S. Center for SafeSport; Katie Simmonds, General Counsel & Senior Director, Global Partnerships, SIGA; Karin Korb, Wheelchair Tennis, 2-time Paralympian and 10-time member of USA World Team & SIGA Champion; Stacey Copeland, First British Woman to win the Commonwealth Title for Boxing and SIGA Champion; and Pavel Klymenko, Head of Policy at FARE Network (Football Against Racism in Europe).

Lewis was one of 12 straight-talking, inspirational and passionate speakers from around the world, delivering on day one of the Sport Integrity Week, which continues today and will run until Friday (September 11).

Day one opened with SIGA chairman Franco Frattini making a call to action urging all stakeholders to be uncompromising in the

battle against Integrity threats. SIGA CEO Emanuel Macedo de Medeiros extended this powerful messaging by not only stressing that stakeholders must “stand united and strong in the resolve to overcome this crisis. Sport must feel the passion – the catalyst of socio-economic progression. There is no second chance. Sport owns the problems but it must also own the solutions” but by also providing a platform for them to stand up and be counted.

In another significant leap towards inclusivity, the opening day of saw the launch of the first digital workshop for the SIGA Global Mentorship Programme on Female Leadership in Sport.

There was also a wealth of engaging content, fireside chats and impactful webinars from high profile speakers and sports legends and inspirational figures from a range of experience bases, organisations and perspectives including two-time Olympic gold medallist Edwin Moses, Renee Montgomery, two-time WNBA Champion (2015, 2017), Jessica Berman, Deputy Commissioner & Executive vice president, National Lacrosse League, Jon Duncan vice president, Enforcement, The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), to name a few.


Welcome to Sport Integrity Week


The Sport Integrity Week™ is the world’s premium digital conference and thought leadership dynamo for sport integrity leaders and all those who want to see the industry being governed and operated under the highest integrity standards.

SIGA, has released the preliminary Master Programme for its first Sport Integrity Week, taking place 7 to 11 of September 2020.

With over sixty premium digital events, over one working week, across all continents, involving over one hundred high-level speakers and leading organisations from all sides of the sporting industry and integrity community, the Sport Integrity Week promises to catapult the industry into a new era of good governance, transparency and accountability.

Download the preliminary Sport Integrity Week Event Guide to see the hottest topics and speakers on the World Stage and the five continental stages: Stage Asia; Stage Africa; Stage Oceania; Stage Americas; and Stage Europe.

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