P. 11


                                       Keith Joseph
                                 Caribbean Association of
                              National Olympic Committees

                     Dear Friends                                           While TTO is the host of CYG2023 and the event
                                                                            belongs to  the Commonwealth Games Federation, all of
                     The Trinidad and Tobago Commonwealth Games             us at CANOC readily claim a very special place in the
                     Association is extremely fortunate to be hosting the   sporting spectacle. We, as members of this Caribbean
                     Commonwealth Youth Games of 2023 (CYG2023). After      we call home, readily acknowledge that our fortunes are
                     having been awarded the rights to CYG2021, the CGA’s   directly integrated with the fortunes of all of us as
                     planning was thwarted by the vagaries of the global    Caribbean sporting organisations and, importantly, as
                     pandemic, Covid-19. Last year, however, imbued with    Caribbean people.
                     renewed vigour and continued commitment, TTO readily
                     raised its hand to be given preference for CYG2023.    On behalf of CANOC, it gives me very special and
                                                                            historic pleasure in congratulating the CGA of Trinidad
                     The entire family of the Caribbean Association of      and Tobago, the government and people and the
                     National Olympic Committees (CANOC) is decidedly       nation’s entire sports family on the occasion of the
                     proud of Trinidad and Tobago, on being the second      hosting of CYG2023.
                     member of our organisation to host the Commonwealth
                     Youth Games. The Bahamas hosted the previous           We look forward to the performances of all of the CGF’s
                     edition, CYG2017.                                      members who have willingly come forward to help in the
                                                                            realisation of this historic moment for all of us in the
                     This historic moment means everything to CANOC, not    broader Movement but in a very special way, for us as
                     the least of which is the establishment of a cadre of   Caribbean people, whose thirst for excellence takes us,
                     administrators and technical officials who, together with   ‘Beyond Possible’
                     those who organised and delivered the Inaugural
                     Caribbean Games in Guadeloupe in 2022, would
                     enhance the capacity of our small CGAs and NOCs to
                     bid for, plan and deliver multi-sport Games, a priceless   Keith Joseph
                     treasure that would redound to the benefit of all of    CANOC President
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