MINISTER of Sport and Community Development Shamfa Cudjoe and Minister of Agriculture, Lands and Fisheries Clarence Rambharat both addressed the economic impact of the covid19 pandemic at the sixth Sport Industry TT Conference on Thursday, discussing ways of coping during these unprecedented times and how the pandemic will affect sport in the future.

They are the lost souls of protest, nearly five decades on from an act that was both misunderstood and reviled in its own time and largely forgotten or ignored since, even as it becomes more historically relevant by the day. They were two young Black American athletes – Vince Matthews from New York City and Wayne Collett from Los Angeles, more alike than the distance between their homes, yet different in ways that had defined their pasts, and would shape their futures. They were both fast, both strong. And fearless. Most of all, fearless. They ran the 400 meters, after all, and the track and field event they call the quarter (-mile) is not for the meek.