P. 15



                 OF THE




                                                      Douglas Camacho           George Leacock            Diane Henderson
                                                      Chairman                  Chairman                  President
                                                                                Tobago Taskforce of the LOC   Trinidad and Tobago Commonwealth
                                                                                                          Games Association (TTCGA)

                          Ephraim Serrette          Annette Knott           Reyah Richardson          Kairon Serrette
                          Vice President            Secretary General       Vice President            Sports Company of Trinidad and Tobago
                          TTCGA                     TTCGA                   TTCGA                     Head of Partnerships and Alliances

                    Continued from page 12:  small country Big heart

                     “These Games will help to advance our sports tourism    for their respective countries as they competed in
                     thrust, facilitate job creation, and other economic benefits.   athletics, cycling, beach volleyball, swimming, Fast 5
                     This is a fantastic opportunity for our athletes to compete   netball, triathlon and rugby sevens.
                     on home ground, showcase their skills and develop
                     friendships with fellow sportsmen and sportswomen from   Some of the sport’s greatest talents discovered their true
                     over 72 nations of the Commonwealth,” Minister Cudjoe   potential at these Youth Games including South African
                     stated, “ We look forward to welcoming them all to      track star Caster Semenya who had her breakout
                     experience the warmth, hospitality, vibe and energy of the   performance winning gold at the 2008 CYG in Pune,
                     capital of the Caribbean - Trinidad and Tobago.         India.

                     Our world-class facilities and our beautiful sites will take   For some, Games VII may have proven to be the
                     centre stage as we host seven sporting disciplines, three   highlight of their sporting career and something they can
                     being staged in Trinidad and four in Tobago.”           be proud to experience. For others, it may have
                                                                             catapulted them, much like Semenya, to the pinnacle of
                     The Trinbago 2023 CYG was set to take place between     sports excellence at the World and Olympic level.
                     August 4 -11 and boasts the theme: ‘Changing Lives for
                     the Better - Inspire, Engage and Unite the Youth and Young   But one thing’s for certain, for this new generation of
                     People of the Commonwealth’. The sports competition is   sports leaders, the memories made at the CYG in
                     aimed at promoting inclusion and embodies the concept of   Trinidad and Tobago, will definitely last a lifetime.
                     ‘dream big’. Over that period, more than1000 athletes,
                     including para-athletes, between the ages of 14-18, would   May the memories, of a Games hosted by a “small”
                     have been expected to vie for medals and bragging rights    country which dared to dream big,  live on forever!
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