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                        the chance - or as we big

                        It’s not often that a
                        Caribbean island gets
                                                                                                   heritage which spans some
                                                                                                   16 years. Bendigo, Australia
                        say in Trinbago, ‘get                                                      Commonwealth Games
                                                                                                   got the nod in 2004, followed
                        through’ - to host a   heart                                               by Pune, India, in 2008, and
                        prestigious,                                                               the British Crown Dependency,
                        international event that                                                   The Isle of Man, in 2011. The
                    doesn’t involve sun, sea                                                       Bahamas,  a  part  of  CGF’s
                    and sand. When it comes                                                        Americas  region,  hosted  the
                    to these sorts of things,        …How Trinbago 2023  Commonwealth              Games’ 6th instalment back in
                    there seems to be an               Youth Games VII Became a Reality            2017.
                    unwritten rule: richer, more               By Cherisse Moe
                    powerful countries reign                                                       So, this victory is a big deal.
                                                                            After the Northern Island bid collapsed amid political
                    But, some rules are meant to be broken.                 deadlock, Trinidad and Tobago came up against the
                                                                            British territory, Gibraltar, for hosting rights of the
                    Enter  Trinidad  and  Tobago  -  first-time  hosts  of  the   multi-sport event. Though smaller in size with just over
                    highly-anticipated Trinbago 2023 Commonwealth Youth     32,000 citizens, Gibraltar was widely considered the
                    Games, (CYG), now in its 7th edition. The Commonwealth   safer, more practical choice, not only because it is a part
                    Games  Federation(CGF),  based  in  London,  is  the    of the EuropeanUnion, but because it is also one of the
                    organisation rights holder of the CYG, first held in 2000   most affluent places in the world, with impressive
                    in Edinburgh, Scotland - a city known for its rich      infrastructure.
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