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         This historic achievement for Trinidad and Tobago,     the CGF on June 20, 2019, was a collaborative effort.
         therefore, may present some valuable lessons. Maybe    He thanked TTCGA’s Secretary General, Annette
         this win is a win for all Caribbean nations of the     Knott, and the bid team of Rheeza Grant, Kwanieze
         Commonwealth. Perhaps, it can be a catalyst for change   John and Chanelle Young for their contributions.
         towards more equitable distribution of the hosting duties
         among the Commonwealth countries and will finally level   “I feel really excited to see the Games come to fruition,” said
         the playing field by ushering in greater opportunities for   Young,  a  former  TTOC  Project  Officer,  Marketing  and
         countries outside the confines of the Commonwealth      Communications.
                                                                “It’s the first multi-sport Games to be held on our twin island
         CGF lead for Trinbago 2023 CYG Annie Hairsine has said   and I believe that it would be a memorable experience for all
         the CGF looks to give smaller, non-traditional countries   involved”.
         an opportunity to host the CYG in the hope of fostering
         the development of legacy infrastructure for the host   Lewis, who had told local media that the country had taken
         country.                                               “an innovative approach” to the bid, had also been in high
                                                                praise of Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs, Shamfa
         But a rear-view examination of Trinidad and Tobago’s   Cudjoe, who had led the charge from the Governmental
         journey to CYG VII paints a picture of perseverance and   side. With the belief in the country’s ability and capacity to
         resilience.                                            host a multi-sports event, she petitioned the Cabinet to


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         This country was awarded hosting rights in June 2019   re-examine its position to host this edition of the CYG and all
         after Northern Ireland was stripped of the event. One   related  expenditures  regarding  the  Games,  which  she
         year later, when the Covid-19 pandemic forced the      expected to boost the local sports tourism sector.
         world to stand still, the Executive Board of the CGF
         made the decision to reschedule the Games to 2023 to   “The Government and the people of Trinidad and Tobago
         avoid clashing with the Birmingham 2022                are delighted by the opportunity to host the
         Commonwealth Games and promised that Trinidad and      Commonwealth family after our historic bid to host our
         Tobago would have the first option to host.             first major international multi-sports event…We are now
                                                                eager to showcase our country and our people to the rest
         Confirmation of that promise was announced to the       of the world while doing our part to maximise the full
         nation in July, 2022, and preparations for Games VII   potential of sport to unite people and build bridges of
         commenced, almost immediately.                         hope, love, inclusion and peace across the modern
                                                                Commonwealth”, said Minister Cudjoe, who had signed
         Brian Lewis, Trinidad and Tobago Commonwealth          the Host Country Contract, alongside CGF President
         Games Association (TTCGA) and Trinidad and             Dame Louise Martin and current TTCGA and TTOC
         Tobago Olympic Committee (TTOC) immediate past         President Diane Henderson, at the National Aquatic
         president said Trinbago’s bid proposal presented to    Centre in Balmain, Couva on August 26, 2022.

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