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                   Certainly, the sister isle’s more laid-back culture and   It is envisioned that venue will be renamed the Black
                   way of life and the open arms, the 'all ah we is one    Rock Beach Sports Facility which will also cater to
                   family' mantra has also helped to attract the           beach soccer and beach tennis among other
                   international competitors and visitors. But while the   beach-oriented activities and sports.
                   ‘‘Bago charm - a perfect blend of the local hospitality,
                   sun, sea and fun - makes for the ideal tourist          So the legacy of those venues and the institutional
                   destination, the sister isle also possess the capacity to   administrative memory and resources used to
                   support a sports tourism drive.                         execute the hosting of the CYG will hopefully inspire
                                                                           more of the island's athletes, to strive for sporting
                   Against this background and as an integral part of the   excellence like footballer Dwight Yorke, the late boxer
                   Trinbago 2023 CYG bid, Tobago staged four of the        Claude Noel, and athletes Joanne Lucas and
                   seven sporting disciplines, with several facilities given an   Olympic medallist Lalonde Gordon to name a few.
                   uplift to not only benefit some of the 1000 athletes from
                   71 nations and territories across the Commonwealth      Meanwhile, the Tobago arm of the organising
                   that arrived on the Rpeublic’s shores but also to bolster   committee will also be seeking to showcase their
                   the Tobago sports tourism product into the future.      cultural heritage to the Commonwealth visitors in a
                                                                           Tobago-styled closing ceremony at the Pigeon Point
                   Major upgrades inside and outside the longstanding      Heritage Park that is meant to mirror the lavish cultural
                   multi-purpose Shaw Park Cultural Complex were made      display organised by the Ultimate Events Limited at the
                   to that venue, including the expansion of the outside   opening ceremony at the Hasely Crawford Stadium.
                   football pitch which facilitated the rugby sevens
                   discipline of the CYG. The Fast 5 netball competition   The Commonwealth community should be put on
                   was also hosted on the refurbished indoor sports floor   standby that Tobago has been punching,  continues to
                   at the Park.                                            and will continue to punch, well above its sporting
                   For the triathlon event, Turtle Beach in Buccoo, Mt.
                   Irvine,  the traditional site of the popular Rainbow Cup,   As Lord Kitchener related in the song..."Come, leh we
                   the THA spruced up that area and brought it up to       go, leh we go to Tobago/
                   international standards for the swim/bike/run discipline.  That paradise, found by Robinson Crusoe/ And it is
                                                                           said, it's the land of tomorrow/
                   And at the Black Rock Beach Facility, a major overhaul   Princess Margaret say, "Come Tobago for holiday." /
                   was performed to make the venue an eco-friendly one     Now the whole world say, "Come Tobago for holiday."
                   and to enable the hosting of the beach volleyball       …And sporting play!
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