P. 30


                       Remarkable Step in
                       Remarkable Step in

                          Inclusive Direction
                          Inclusive Direction

                   Local Paralympic boss applauds CGF decision to integrate para-athletics in CYG

                                                                 a new generation of para-athletes that will strive for
                                                                 excellence like Akeem Stewart and Ayoshia Cain.
        Even before the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons
        with Disabilities (UNCRPD) -  the first international, legally   “I really hope this is the catalyst to create … change in the
        binding instrument setting minimum standards for the     mindset of how we treat or deal with children with
        rights of people with disabilities was adopted in December   disabilities and hopefully be a driving force for the full
        2006 -the Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) had        implementation of UNCRPD in this country and elsewhere
        already integrated para-sports in the 2002 Manchester    in the Commonwealth,” Ramessar said.
        Commonwealth Games (CG).
                                                                 The arrival of para-athletes for the Games must be
        Prior to that athletes with disabilities were included at   something of great significance. As it pertains to youth
        the 1990 Auckland CG. So when the CGF decided to         para-athletics (ages 14-18) and its importance, Ramessar
        introduce para athletics to the seventh edition of their youth   said that their aspirations showed a keen sense of
        version, Trinbago 2023 Commonwealth Youth Games          participation. However, it takes time and patience to
        (CYG), it was a natural progression in the movement’s life.  develop para-athletes.

        “This was the best news I heard, “ said Trinidad and     What makes this event important for para-athletes is the
        Tobago Paralympic Committee (TTPC) president Sudhir      coming together of Commonwealth countries. We in the
        Ramessar, ” To my knowledge, the Commonwealth            Caribbean need much more involvement with each other
        Games are the only international games that have         and this also gives para-athletes the feeling that they are
        incorporated some para-events.  That (move) is inclusive   part of a caring, inclusive society.
        and allows for athletes, with or without disabilities, to
        compete at the same Games.”                              The Trinbago 2023 CYG is the platform for future national
                                                                 young sportsmen and sportswomen. As far as
        Ramessar added it was a move in the right direction,     para-athletes are concerned, this is a powerful opportunity
        before commending the CGF for the bold decision. But     to show the world that they are tough and resilient and are
        he hoped one day for greater inclusion of para-sports to   capable of attaining world-class performances.
        increase awareness while dismissing stigmas surrounding
        the paralympic movement. Proud that T&T had elected to   It would be fitting if persons with disabilities and the public
        demonstrate its capability and capacity to host the      at large could grasp this opportunity and show full support
        Games, Ramessar is also elated that the CGF will be      to all the athletes who are representing their countries.
        living up to the inclusive principles of the  2006 UNCRPD.
                                                                 I'm reminded, as an advocate for the elderly and disabled,
        “It is remarkable,” Ramessar noted, “I am more than      that persons with disabilities have to strike the word denial
        excited…and it gives me a sense of satisfaction and  joy   off their list of objectives. At no point should there be any
        that we are moving towards that realisation.” From his end,   thought of disbelief circulating. The time has come when
        Ramessar admitted the difficulty - locally, children with   the objective must be ‘we can make it if we try.’
        disabilities take a longer time to get into the mainstream of
        education, sports etc -  he and the TTPC had in locating   In conclusion, to all para-athletes and officials, this
        an athlete to represent Team TTO at home for Trinbago    opportunity is a blessing in disguise so use this space to
        2023. The specific classification and the mobility         show that there is nothing about you without you. Stand
        and functionality of the athlete also had to be taken into   up and be brave, let society know that you are somebody.
        consideration. But they managed to find 17-year-old
        Isaiah Williams, a South-based para-athlete who will     In the spirit of growth
        compete in the T37 category for the men’s 100m event.    Anton La Fond
        Ramessar hopes this Trinbago 2023 version will inspire    An advocate for the elderly and disabled
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