P. 31


                                                          There’s a dream that’s in my heart Walks with me
                                                          while I’m awake
                                                           By my sweat I’ll write my name among the greatest
                                                           of the great Oh yea I’ve worked so hard
                                                           Get ready to chant my name
                                                           These are the day when we will see Just how

                                                           champions are made


                                                            I have a dream Dream
                                                            One day you will see See
                                                            There’s a champion in me You will see what I see
                                                            See what I see

                                                            I have a dream Dream
                                                            One day you will see See
                                                            There’s a champion in me You will see what I see

                                                             See what I see

                                                             I give my everything now for the love of this energy
                                                             On thing I know this will be a memory
                                                             Fire inside me burning bright Straight from morning
                                                             until night This is the time I will show the world
          Freetown Collective X
                                                              To have my name among the greatest of the great
         Commonwealth Games                                   How I fight how I win and why I deserve
                                                              These are the days champions are made

                                                              I’m ready
                                                              To make the world believe in me Believe in me
                                                              I’m ready
                                                              To make the world See what I see, see what I see

                                                               I’m ready
                                                               To make the world believe in me Believe in me
                                                               I’m ready
                                                               I’m ready I’m ready CHANT
                                                               I give my life for this moment Life for this moment
                                                               Rise up and own it Won’t let it pass me Won’t let it
                                                               pass me by
                                                                I give my life for this moment Life for this moment

          Freetown Collective is a local music group that       Rise up and own it Won’t let it pass me Won’t let it
          offers an eclectic genre including a mixture of       pass me by
          hip hop, soca, blues, and trap. They burst onto       I’m ready
              the soca scene with their popular hit             To make the world believe in me Believe in me
          “Feel the Love” during Carnival 2020 and now          I’m ready
                  have created this theme song                   To make the world See what I see, see what I see
                          “Stay Ready”
                                                                 To make the world believe in me Believe in me
              for theTrinbago 2023 Commonwealth                  I’m ready
                       Youth Games (CYG).                        I’m ready
                                                                 I’m ready I’m ready CHANT.
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