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                   keep  up  with  the  changing  demands  placed  on  their
                   human resource capacities. Digitisation, digitalisation
                   and  digital  transformation  are  impacting  the  way
                   organisations  conduct  their  business;  and  the  sport
                   industry has been impacted by the same concerns. As
                   the country attempts to develop its sports tourism sector;
                   Project management and marketing will also become
                   integral components of success.

                   Marketing, IT and project management professionals are   Will the CYG organising committee be pursuing the support
                   now a basic standard for sports organisations worldwide.    of the corporate sector of T&T, to come on board, and
                   Can the hosting of the CYG in some way lead to the     provide some of the financial resources needed to host the
                   adoption of this standard locally? For example - Can   games? If so, this would offer yet another opportunity for the
                   branding,  the  posting  of  original  content  and  fan   corporate sector to partner with the local sport industry.
                   engagement rise to new levels locally?                 Such collaboration would take this relationship beyond
                                                                          merely fulfilling their social corporate responsibility. An event
                   International sporting events are unique undertakings.   of the magnitude of the CYG offers the opportunity to
                   The management of these projects brings together a     develop genuine sponsorship relationships, where value  is
                   diverse range of individuals with a broad range of skill   exchanged between both parties.
                   sets towards achieving the project’s objectives. In this
                   environment, synergies are often created between       This offers the perfect opportunity for the business
                   different skills or organisational functions. Are there any   community to see the value that investing in sports and
                   cross-functional capabilities being developed in the   human capital can add to their businesses. Would the usual
                   organisation of the Games? Did marketing and           entities be involved?   Will new businesses be attracted to
                   information technology experts create any working      these games and be encouraged to extend their
                   synergies that could be transferred to local sports    relationship to the funding of youth sports locally?
                   projects? Is this being seen as an opportunity for
                   Trinidad and Tobago to seek to become a hub for        Finally, this event offers local sports officials an opportunity to
                   hosting age-specific sporting events in the Caribbean   become more familiar with the value chain involved in
                   and Latin American region?                             hosting international sports events; and can lead to the
                                                                          development of a network with capabilities to facilitate each
                   In the modern sport environment, technology and        activity. Trinidad and Tobago has previously hosted youth
                   officiating are often combined to enhance the           World Cups in 2001 and 2010; the CYG however is a
                   administration of sports. Have any local CYG match     multi-sport Games and requires a different type of
                   officials and referees been exposed to training or      coordination.  What has the sporting fraternity learnt from
                   certification in this area? If yes, perhaps these capabilit  these combined experiences?
                   capabilities and resources can also be used to develop
                   officiating in sports locally.                          What have we learnt about the logistics involved in
                                                                          scheduling international and internal transportation,
                   The management of multi-sport games requires           managing volunteers, booking hotels and overall games
                   systems of communication, coordination and control. It   management? This audit of the value chain activities will
                   is therefore important to identify any effective processes   determine the core competencies that are needed to
                   that may be utilised to efficiently manage the Games. As   become a regional hub for the hosting of these events. The
                   an added advantage, post-games workshops can be        mastery of these can make T&T a willing and able
                   held to facilitate the transfer of this knowledge between   contender in the international bidding arena.
                   the CYG team and National Sporting Organisations.
                                                                          Hosting of the Commonwealth Youth Games "Trinbago
                   What other types of innovative processes would have    2023" certainly offers the country an opportunity to improve
                   been developed in preparing for these Games? Has       the delivery of sport to the nation’s citizens, and to develop
                   Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) used any           the capacities required to become a player in regional and
                   software to manage the Games processes? Have any       international sport ecosystem. It is important however that
                   individuals been trained to use said software or       the process of knowledge transfer be part of an effective
                   applications? If so, how can these processes be        change management system. The potential benefits will not
                   transferred to organise events at a national level?    occur by simply hosting 1500 athletes for 7 days.
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