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…Stacey Cateau, a member of UTT’s Centre for Kinesiology, Physical Education and Sports department,
discusses the different paths the country can follow from Trinbago 2023 Commonwealth Youth Games (CYG) to
have a lasting impact on the local sporting sector
The Trinbago 2023 Commonwealth Youth Games organization can or cannot do. They include people,
(CYG) will be hosted in the twin-island Republic equipment, technology, cash, as well as relationships with
between August 4th and 11th. The sports programme suppliers. Organizations create value as the human
for the event dubbed "Trinbago 2023" will see 1000 resource transform these inputs of resources into products
athletes between the ages of 14 and 18, compete in and services.
seven sporting disciplines. This will not be a simple
undertaking; but will require the efficient coordination Processes are the patterns of interaction, coordination,
and control of a significant amount of financial, physical communication, and decision-making which are used to
and human resources. create these products; while capabilities are the skills,
routines, management and leadership of the organization
With this output of local resources, the following that interact with the resources. An examination of the
questions arise: What will be the return on investment for resources, processes and capabilities developed in
the host country? What benefits will accrue to staging the Games will indicate the possible benefits or
the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago? What legacy will be legacies that can be adopted by national sporting bodies to
inherited by the young athletes of the nation? develop the administration of youth sport and sport in
The legacy items for large international games, normally
include repaired or refurbished facilities, upgraded road It should be noted that any benefits accrued from the
systems, improved infrastructure and increased hosting of the CYG, will only be sustainable if our national
international visibility for the host country or city. These sporting bodies are prepared to accept change. Some
Games are however unique; in that large infrastructural organisations may be so steeped in their existing culture;
developments and international media coverage and that they may be unable to accept the opportunities
visibility will not be part of the package. available. Perhaps others, may not have the managerial
capability required to manage possible change. In some
The answers to the above questions can be found, by cases, a lack of resources may hinder the organisation’s
examining the resources that have been deployed, the ability to take advantage of lessons learnt. In a nutshell,
processes created and the capabilities developed to our readiness to embrace change will determine our ability
facilitate the organization of the CYG. to create positive outcomes out of the CYG.
Resources are the assets that contribute to what an National Sports Organisations have been struggling to