P. 27


                          commanding the


                               …one device at a time

                     Media content creator and sports/photojournalist Denis Tayé Allen renders his verdict on what digital
                     transformation will mean for T&T, using the CYG as a launch platform

                     In the seminal scene of the 1999 film, The Matrix, Trinity   We've done big events here before. The islands have
                     expresses her last moment of doubt when she tells the   been home to West Indies cricket for decades—and
                     hero, Neo: "Nobody has ever done this before." As the   who can forget that fateful day, November 19, 1989,
                     gun racks slide into The Construct, Neo, brimful of blind   when the Hasely Crawford National Stadium made
                     confidence, replies: "That's why it's going to work."   room for 40,000 of us to see the Soca Warriors 1990
                                                                            World Cup campaign collapse agonisingly against the
                     In Trinidad and Tobago's rich sporting history, the one   USA, But this Trinbago 2023 Commonwealth Youth
                     thing we have never done is to host a global           Games (CYG) is something different; perhaps, we dare
                     multi-event sports franchise. So, when presented with   say, even something special.
                     the opportunity, after the Northern Ireland
                     Commonwealth Games Council were unable to meet         Bits and Bytes
                     its obligations to host the games in Belfast, the Trinidad   "The legacy that staging this Games will be for Trinidad
                     and Tobago Commonwealth Games Association's            and transformational and impactful," said
                     (TTCGA) bold bid to host what was then supposed to     Brian Lewis, speaking then as the TTCGA President.
                     be the 2021 Commonwealth Youth Games was like          Lewis was instrumental in leading the team that bid for
                     Neo's moment of resolute bravery.                      the Games.
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