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                              The ceremony                                But most importantly, Maharaj said, the presentation also
                                                                          portrayed the history of the Commonwealth and
                           was engaging with                              attempted to thread that delicate relationship dating back

                     themes that told the story                           to its controversial beginnings.
                      from slavery to Carnival,                           “We are a people that have so many different facets that
                                                                          can connect to so many different territories in the former
                          captivating both the                            colonies, the members of the Commonwealth,” said
                      young and not-so-young                              Maharaj, “I think it was very interesting to show how these
                                                                          different cultures, from those who came, have settledon
                                  audiences                               our space and show that it still connects to the wonderful
                                                                          region itself. That’s one part. The other part, the storyline
                                                                          we chose to take is to base the story of the
                    well as the classical charatcers Tan Tan and Saga     Commonwealth or the
                    Boy figures.  The Tan Tanettes and some                relationship of the
                    representations from Lost Tribe also formed part of   Commonwealth, the
                    the exhibition, while Maharaj and company, for the    telling of that story in a
                    first time, also designed some Moko Jumbies to         Carnival setting.” That
                    represent the athletes in the seven sporting          relationship includes
                    disciplines on offer at the Trinbago2023 CYG.         touching on the history
                                                                          of slavery - the history
                    “It is a story that our children who will be the      of the Moko Jumbies
                    children of our athletes and the people who are       as sentinels walking
                    there, that they would also have been discovering     across the waters
                    and many of the things that we discussed -  the       following the ancestors
                    pieces of poetry, the allegories, the parallels that we   to the Caribbean -was
                    were drawing in subtle different ways,” Maharaj       “very subtle but it is a
                    explained, “ I hope that if any of those notes were   note I think I needed
                    hit with one person and another note was hit with     to add in there.”
                    another person, I would feel that at that point we
                    have been successful. I hope that at the end of this,   Maharaj hoped the
                    that when people saw and (experienced) this, they     presentation struck the overarching overall heritage notes
                    would have felt they were liberating themselves and   that would leave a lasting impression on all audiences.
                    felt proud to be Trinidadian.”
                                                                          “I hope they felt proud to be coming from the heritage that
                                                                          we come from … and I hope that T&T when we look back
                                                                                  on it, as a Games, there were things that we are
                                                                                   remembered for. As a ceremony there were
                                                                                    things that we are remembered for, ” Maharaj

                                                                                             I hope that the way we told the story
                                                                                               that of liberation and our
                                                                                                togetherness that, our strengths
                                                                                                 together, the threads that we
                                                                                                  drew between all the different
                                                                                                   islands, between all the
                                                                                                     different spaces that make
                                                                                                      us one, I hope that was
                                                                                                       what we are remembered
                                                                                                        for, I hope we are
                                                                                                          remembered for our
                                                                                                           story -telling ability.”
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