P. 21


                                      The Brain behind the
                       2023 Commonwealth Youth Games Mascot…

                       Artist Djibril Annisette is that
                             “good thing”

                      that comes

                                    in small

                    By Bobie-Lee Dixon

                    We can never be immortal, at least not in the flesh, but a   oozed precociousness and a contagious hail-fellow-
                    name carved throughout time, certainly can. And the     well-met personality when he greeted the author and
                    name Djibril Annisette absolutely will.                 photographer with a broad smile at his Moses Avenue
                    In the last few months, eight-year-old Djibril has been   home.
                    enjoying the allure of fame suddenly thrust upon him.
                                                                            Barefooted and dressed in black jeans and a grey
                    His artistic rendition of a leatherback turtle he called   jersey, the diminutive-in-stature-but-superlative-in-spirit
                    Cocoyea, became the winning piece in the mascot         youth beamed with excitement as he, along with his
                    design competition for school children staged by the    proud secondary school Spanish teacher mother,
                    local organising committee (LOC) for the Trinbago 2023   Wilesse Annisette proved welcoming hosts.
                    Commonwealth Youth Games (CYG) hosted in the
                    twin-island Republic from August 4th to 11th.           “I am proud of myself. I am happy that I won and I am
                                                                            happy that I got to do something that I like, which is
                    The win instantly made young Djibril, the brainchild of the   art.” Djibril elaborated. The use of the word “like” and
                    CYG mascot,  a living legend in his own right.          Djibril’s apparent modesty belied the extensive collection
                                                                            of his drawings found in his bedroom.
                    With the Games themed: “Changing lives for the better -
                    inspire, engage and unite the youth and young people of   Usually tucked carefully and neatly away in folders, the
                    the Commonwealth,” Trinidad abd Tobago Olympic          drawings depict some of his favourite cartoon
                    Committee Lewis said of Djibril’s achievement, “He is   characters and some freehand drawings. But in the
                    part of history. It’s his enduring legacy.”             majority, drawings of the popular fictional character--
                                                                            Thomas the Tank Train from the British Railway Series
                    For years to come, Cocoyea - now synonymous with        books by the father and son team Wilbert and
                    Trinidad and Tobago’s hosting of the 7th edition of the   Christopher Awdry - are by far Djibril’s favourite.
                    CYG event - will remain etched in this country’s history.
                    Djibril will be known as the person that inspired the final   He makes this explicitly clear. In fact, so great is his
                    piece - redefined by a Kenneth Henry-design - approved   fixation with trains and railways that he wants a meeting
                    by the LOC - that brought the character to life to be the   with the country’s Prime Minister, Dr Keith Rowley to
                    official Trinbago 2023 CYG mascot.                       have talks about reverting to the old railway system. He
                                                                            is adamant this will solve the problem of the irritating
                    At three (3) feet tall and 70lbs, the  Santa Cruz youngster   traffic congestion around the country. Not only that, he

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