P. 23


                   Continued from page19

                   also dreams of becoming a railway conductor,
                   harbouring an unwavering belief that the railway was
                   one of the best inventions this world has seen. The
                   miniature railway system also found in his bedroom,
                   keeps him inspired and focused.

                   Djibril’s love affair with art began at the tender age of
                   three, recalling: “I saw people doing plenty of
                   amazing drawings and that inspired me. I was like I
                   want to be an artist one day.”

                   His mentor in art is not anyone world-renowned,
                   though. Instead, Djibril is keeping it all in the family,
                   crediting the artistic work of an aunt for being the
                   impetus for his passion.

                   “She is very good at drawing and painting. I want    PROUD PARENTS - Young Djibril Annisette (centre) poses wth his parents after
                   to be like her. She is an inspiration to how I want   winning the competition to design the mascot for the Trinbago2023 Commonwealth
                                                                        Youth Games (CYG). Flanked by his parents Wilesse and Dr Sean Anissette at their
                   to be an artist one day,” he reiterates. In his spare   Santa Cruz home.
                   time, he shares his love of art with his followers on
                   his YouTube channel titled: “Jibbing with Jibs.”

                   The euphoria surrounding young Djibril in this chapter
                   of his life, though, is being taught to him by his
                   parents through the prism of taking things in stride.
                   His dad, Dr Sean Annisette, a St Augustine UWI
                   lecturer at the School of Education, said he and
                   his wife impress upon their son the importance of
                   remaining humble despite his success.

                   At the same time, however, the Annisettes ensure
                   Djibril understands the remarkableness of this
                   episode of his life, as such a prominent part of this
                   history-making event for Trinidad and Tobago. “it is
                   huge! ” Dr Annisette remarked.
                                                                       COCOYEA REVEALED - (from l to r) Minister of Sport and Community Development
                                                                       Shamfa Cudjoe, mascot design winner Djibril Annisette, Trinidad and Tobago
                   When it comes to the reason Djibril chose the       Commonwealth Games Association (TTCGA) president Diane Henderson, and British
                   leatherback turtle as his idea for a mascot, three   High Commissioner to Trinidad and Tobago Harriet Cross all celebrate the launch of
                   things were considered. Firstly, It is his favourite   the mascot, Cocoyea, for the Trinbago2023 Commonwealth Youth Games on
                                                                       Commonwealth Day back on March 13th at the Rootsyardd, St Ann's.
                   animal;  secondly, it is majestic - as is the honour
                   the twin-island Republic enjoys having been
                   selected to host such a propitious event -; and     come from near and far to participate and experience this
                   thirdly, leatherback turtles are somewhat like      CYG’s seventh edition and all that Trinidad and Tobago has
                   athletes...well, competitive swimmers at least      to offer through sports tourism.

                   Djbril also agrees with Trinidad and Tobago         Indeed, Djibril is the fuel that life needs; an innovator, a
                   Commonwealth Games Association (TTCGA)              teacher, a philosopher, an explorer, a builder and a world
                   President Diane Henderson, about what he            leader all combined into this little package of a person. There
                   describes as a “bonus consideration”: that          is no denying that Djibril is well on his way to achieving
                   leatherback turtles are world travellers. They visit   immortalisation through his gifts and talents which certainly
                   so many shores, just like the people who will       will not stop at just inspiring a mascot.
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